We Finally Escaped Louisiana and the Envoy Broke Again
After 85, yes 85 days in the state of Louisiana we finally made it out and are now camping on a lake in Arkansas!
We hit Louisiana around the same time the Covid-19 pandemic started sweeping the nation. Two weeks later Louisiana, as well as most other states in the country, issued a stay at home order. No one was suppose to travel except for essential employees or if you needed essential items. Little did we know at the time our self quarantine in Kisatchie National Forest would last almost 3 months.
Since we are full-time travelers we have no sticks and bricks home to go to so staying in Louisiana was our only option. We are so grateful to the rangers and staff of the Kisatchie Ranger District for their understanding during this situation. They were extremely helpful telling us where the local spring was to get water, checking in on us and allowing us to stay pass normal legal stay limits.
We were actually located in the National Red Dirt Wildlife Management Preserve of the Kisatchie National Forest. We ended up spending our time there in two actual camps that were still open in the area and two dispersed camping spots. Because of the pandemic orders half the camps in the area were closed, all restrooms were closed and some trails were closed. We are fortunate that we are boondockers and are self-sufficient.
In our time during lock-down we only went to town every couple weeks for food and supplies. We probably only interacted with 20 people during this whole period except on our town trips. We became masters of self-quarantining. We also became extremely bored. You can only stare at the same woods for so long. We did all the trails we could multiple times and the best trail in the district was closed. We didn’t do much of anything the last few weeks and were getting a bit depressed over the whole situation. This was not how we planned this adventure when we set out in January.
We were itching to escape and were so excited when the Governor announced the stay at home order was being lifted. We spent the day packing up ready to leave on the morning of May 15th… then the car broke down.
I hate our car.
We have had it less than two years and have put as much money into it as we spent on it. The power steering went out and the entire system had to be replaced. It took us four mechanics before we found someone who said they would do it. We are from the north where winters are harsh and automobiles turn into rust buckets. Mechanics in the south don’t like to work on northern cars. One guy literally told us, “No f**king way I’m touching that car.” He was super nice though and gave us places to go.
Then the drama started. After 5 trips over 4 days to the mechanics we finally got the car fixed. They had to order a special part to finish. The first time it came it was broke. They ordered it again and this time it came, but the package was EMPTY! I mean how did they forget to put in the part. Finally get the part installed and they say it’s fixed. Jamey drives back to camp and guess what…NOT FIXED! He turns around takes it back and the rack-and-pinion now needs replaced because it can’t hold a seal. Next day he goes back and they fix it. I swear he spent 20 hours or more that week at the mechanics.
Anyways I feel like this post has lasted forever so let’s wrap it up. It was a week after we could officially leave, but we finally got out of Louisiana. No offense to the Pelican State, you treated us well and took care of us in our time of need, but I couldn’t live in those woods any longer. Another month and I think we would of officially been residents of the Kisatchie National Forest.