So It’s Been Two Months
As of yesterday we have officially been traveling the country and living full time in Frankenstein the pop up camper for 2 months.
We are in Louisiana for the next month which makes this the 7th state we have visited. We have stayed in 9 different campgrounds so far and it’s all been FREE except for the four nights in Alabama we paid for to dry out the pup after driving across flooded roads. That only cost us 60 bucks total for full hook ups in an adorable and historic county park so I can’t complain.
The Bad:
– Mother nature has forced us to evacuate 2 campgrounds for flooding.
– Had to buy a new generator
– Had to buy a new car battery
– Had to buy a new tire and rim for the pup
– Spent another 100 bucks in random parts for car
– Caught a tapestry on our awning on fire and almost the pup too!
The Good:
Hell most of it’s been good. We have seen some amazing places, been on some incredible hikes and the peeps we have met along the way have been phenomenal.
A lot of improvements have been made to Frankenstein since we left Ohio. We have maximized our storage space and organization in the pup has improved tremendously. We have probably gone through everything in the pop up like 3 times deciding what we do and don’t need from what we originally packed. Turned out we packed a lot of stuff we didn’t really need and have since thrown it out.
We have also purchased a number of items to make the the camper look more homey. Living in it full time I want it to feel like a home while we are in it and not like we are on a long camping trip. Let’s face it we are though and that’s the best part. Most of the items to make it more homey also double as organization or storage which is essential while residing in such a small space.
We ordered a number of items for outside improvements we should be getting this weekend which I’m super excited about. We also have a list of future purchases we would like to get. Every month we are gonna try to buy a couple things. I figure in 6 months we should finally have Frankenstein and our set-up outside perfect until I decide I want to change it again, lol.
It’s been an amazing adventure so far and I can’t wait to see what happens next.